Senior – B

Here’s introducing one of my most favorite seniors!  She radiates happiness and is unbelievably sweet.  She is also my children’s babysitter, and every time she comes my little girl is so excited for me to leave so that she can have some one on one time with her 🙂

This session was fun, fun, fun! We laughed so much that the session just flew by so quickly.

Good luck B on your new journey, I hope it will be full of fun and mischief x


Brooke -2




P. Family

Still blogging from last years session!

Such a lovely family, they even drove me around while we found the perfect spot.



D. Family

We met in a tiny park in uptown, a park hidden in a corner of a busy block, one you wouldn’t even know was there even if you walked past it.  A hidden gem.  It was filled with dragons and mystical creatures and then this happy family.  They came, they posed, they conquered!



S. Family

Little Miss S. had gorgeous long hair, but was going to get it cut and donate it to Locks of Love, so her Mom wanted a photo session before the big hair cut, and the day that we choose turned out to be perfect.  The sun had a lovely pink hue to it, as if it had known the colors this family was going to wear and co-ordinated perfectly.

Such a beautiful family, easy going and a joy to be with.



N. Family

They nailed it when it came to clothing. It was perfect! The best part was the son and his yellow tie and the yellow heart on the daughters top.

The kids came ready to play! we jumped, ran, played with the leaves and had a lovely Sunday morning together.
